Aarbakke Innovation

Tarald Gudmestad
After finishing his bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering in 1980, Gudmestad joined Trallfa Robot as a CNC operator. After Trallfa was acquired by AESA Robotics, he continued his career as Project Manager for customizing robotic installations.
In 1986 he joined Nodeco’s engineering department for Liner Hangers, later heading up the department. Weatherford International acquired Nodeco in 1996, and Gudmestad moved to Houston, Texas, where he worked as a senior R&D Engineer at Weatherfords Technology and Training Center. In 2003 he returned to Norway and took up the position of Engineering Manager at the newly acquired Bakke Oil Tools.
Tarald was part of the management team of Weatherford Norge AS until he left the company and joined Aarbakke Innovation in May 2013.

Henning Hansen
Henning is a serial entrepreneur and inventor with a number of patents. He started in the oil and gas industry in 1978, working for seven years in Norway as well as internationally on wireline, well testing, and completions.
In 1985 he cofounded the company Lasalle Pressure Data in Norway, which developed the first permanent downhole electronic reservoir monitoring systems for the North Sea. The company also carried out slickline work. Lasalle was the basis for Roxar and Baker’s permanent gauge business. In 1992 he cofounded the company SubTech, developing more advanced permanent gauge systems, so-called «intelligent» completion systems, and more. See http://www.hansenenergy.biz/activecompletions. This company was the basis for Weatherford’s intelligent completions group as well as their reservoir monitoring group, where Henning worked until 2002.
He subsequently cofounded several companies, including Seabed Rig (now Robotic Drilling Systems), which was established based on his invention. In 2006 he cofounded Ziebel, which is today based on his invention for logging high-deviation wellbores using a semi-stiff carbon «rod». The spinoff company Zilift in Aberdeen is based on his invention regarding permanent magnet-based downhole electrical pumps.
Henning currently owns the company Hansen Downhole Pump Solutions, which is developing low-complexity pumps for gas well dewatering as well as oil production. He joined Aarbakke Innovation in February 2014 to come up with new technologies and methods that will provide solutions to meet our clients’ needs.
Aarbakke Innovation
We are privately owned, our main shareholders are also behind Aarbakke AS one of the world’s leading machining companies (aarbakke.no). The same group also control Ignos, «the learning factory» enabler (ignos.no).